Mean of Uniform Distribution

Barry Wiss
5 min readOct 30, 2021


The uniform distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is concerned with situations that have an equal chance of occurring. When solving issues with a uniform distribution, keep in mind whether the data is inclusive or exclusive. The continuous uniform distribution, often known as the rectangle distribution, is a family of symmetric probability distributions in probability theory and statistics. The distribution defines an experiment in which the outcome is arbitrary and falls between predefined parameters. The parameters a and b, which represent the lowest and maximum values, determine the boundaries. The interval length is defined by the difference between the boundaries.

What is Uniform Distribution

A uniform distribution is a sort of probability distribution in statistics in which all outcomes are equally likely. A deck of cards has uniform distributions because the chances of getting a heart, A club, a diamond, or a spade are all identical. A coin also has a uniform distribution since the chance of receiving heads or tails is the same in a coin flip.
The uniform distribution may be represented by a straight horizontal line, therefore a coin flip with a probability of p = 0.50 would be represented by a line from the y-axis at 0.50. Uniform distributions are probability distributions having equal chances of occurrence.

Deep Understand of Uniform Distribution

Uniform distributions are classified into two types: discrete and continuous. The various outcomes of rolling a die illustrate a discrete uniform distribution: it is conceivable to roll a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, but not a 2.3, 4.7, or 5.5. As a result, the result of a dice roll is a discrete distribution with p = 1/6 for each outcome. There are just six potential values to return, with no in-between possibilities.
Some uniform distributions are not discrete but rather continuous. A continuous uniform distribution would be used to represent an idealized random number generator. Every point in the continuous range between 0.0 and 1.0 has an equal chance of appearing in this form of distribution.

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Visual memorize Uniform Distributions

A distribution is a straightforward way of visualizing a set of data. It can be displayed as a graph or as a list illustrating which values of a random variable have a lower or greater likelihood of occurring. There are many distinct forms of probability distributions, with the uniform distribution being one of the most basic.

Each value in the set of potential values has the same chance of occurring in a uniform distribution. This distribution has the same height for each possible outcome when presented as a bar or line graph. As a result it might resemble a rectangle and is frequently referred to as the rectangular distribution. If you consider the prospect of sketching a particular suit from a deck of playing cards, there is a random yet equal chance of pulling a heart as there is for pulling a spade — that is, 1/4 or 25%.

The roll of a single dice yields one of six numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Because there are only 6 possible outcomes, the probability of you landing on any one of them is 16.67% (1/6). When plotted on a graph, the distribution is represented as a horizontal line with each possible outcome captured on the x-axis, at the fixed point of probability along the y-axis.

Example of The Uniform Distribution

A conventional deck of cards has 52 cards. There are four suits in it: hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades. Each suit has an A, a 2, a 3, a 4, a 5, a 6, a 7, an 8, a 9, a 10, a J, a Q, a K, and two jokers. For this example, we’ll exclude the jokers and face cards, instead concentrating on number cards that are duplicated in each suit. As a consequence, we are left with 40 cards, which represent a collection of discrete data. Assume you wish to determine the chances of drawing a 2 of hearts from the changed deck. The chance of drawing a 2 of hearts is one in forty, or 2.5 percent. Because each card is unique, the chances of drawing any of the cards in the deck are the same. Let us now investigate the possibility of removing a heart from the body. The probability is significantly higher. Why? We are now only concerned with the suits in the deck. Since there are only four suits, pulling a heart yields a probability of 1/4 or 25%.

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Finding for a Continuous Uniform Distribution

Over the winter months, the average amount of weight acquired by a person is consistently distributed between 0 and 30 pounds. Determine the likelihood that a person will gain 10 to 15 pounds over the winter months.

Step 1: Determine the distribution’s height. A probability distribution’s area under the curve is always 1. The height is 1/30 because there are 30 units (from 0 to 30).

Step 2: Determine the breadth of the “slice” of the question’s distribution. Subtract the largest number (b) from the lowest number (a) to get b — a = 15–10 = 5.

Step 3: To get the following, multiply the width (Step 2) by the height (Step 1):

5 * 1/30 = 5/30 = 1/6 Probability = 5 * 1/30 = 5/30 = 1/6 Probability = 5 * 1/30 = 5/30 =

Some of More Formula

There have option to solve these types of problems using the steps above, or you can us the formula for finding the probability for a continuous uniform distribution:

P(X) = d — c / b — a.

This is also sometimes written as:
P(X) = x2 — x1 / b — a.
“d” and “c” (x2 — x1)are the upper and lower bounds of the area you are trying to find. You obtain the same result as if you had followed the instructions above. If formulae work for you, that’s fantastic. Personally, I think of these situations as attempting to identify an area within a rectangle. Otherwise, I’ll just have to remember another formula.


Agresti A. (1990) Categorical Data Analysis. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Dodge, Y. (2008). The Concise Encyclopedia of Statistics. Springer.



Barry Wiss

I am Barry Wiss a Mexican 27 Years Old Blog Writer and online Marketing Manager. Looking for My All The dreams Come True.